It has been great to do the 30 day sketchbook challenge again this year. It is the fourth year that I have done it and every time I take away new ideas and ways to develop my work. I have been experimenting with drawing using a fountain pen.
I have always wanted to have another go at making a continuous pattern with a lino block so here is the fabric and block inspired by the prompt "STARS" in the sketchbook challenge.
My interest in making continuous patterns with lino blocks continued and being January I just needed some fun and colour, so the inspiration was hearts and doves.
Art House South Brent opened it's doors again so I have been back there to try and finish my reduction lino cut.
I also had a go at monotypes at home again. It is a very expansive business so it took over the kitchen, lounge and my small area for printing which doesn't have a water supply so you could also include the downstairs cloakroom's basin and utility! Hopefully, it shows my devotion to print.

A few aprons have been made up as well as the hearts but on the whole it has been a slow month on that front.
I hope January has been kind to you.